Blog Faves & TJ’s Trip

Hi Readers 🙂

I’d like to thank the following bloggers for introducing me to the following:

Allie: Dates + Nut butter

Heather: Protein Ice Cream

Megan: Pecan Pie Babies

Averie: Raw Vegan Rum Balls

They look a lot like the Pecan Pie Babies, but let me assure you they taste WAY different.

I saw these posted on Averie’s blog last week and I must say they looked absolutely delicious. J has a deep love for rum, so I knew I had to make them. If you know me you know that I am not a vegan and I do not eat many raw foods – but these are a must try. I only made a small batch (portion control!). My Magic Bullet did a pretty good job grinding up the raisins and dates, but there were still a few chunks in each ball. 🙂

Last night I finally got a good workout in. With last weekend being so busy and crazy, I really let my workouts fall to the wayside. I got in a great 20 min HIIT TurboFire workout, plus some FBB strength training. Strength is the way to go!

And I had time to get to TJ’s. The closest location is about 10 minutes away, but with road construction it takes over 20. It could be worse, but it still can be a hassle making time to get out there. Check out the goods:

Sweet taters, chicken sausage, organic baby spinach, peanut flour (!), raisins, dates, brown rice pasta, choc chips, raw trail mix, cashews

 Refried beans, lentil soup, marinara sauce, salsa, almond butter, butternut squash soup, whole wheat pitas, clif bars (for J)

All this for $50! Why do I even bother shopping anywhere else?

I wanted to stay awake for RHoNJ but I am just too tired! Sleep needs to be a bigger priority for me, I was just dragging all day long today…


1. What is your favorite treat/meal that you found on another blog? (if it is your own recipe, include a link!)

2. Do you have a Trader Joe’s near you? What are your favorite products?

3. Did you watch RHoNJ? Should I watch the rerun or skip it?

Have a great day!


35 Responses to “Blog Faves & TJ’s Trip”

  1. eatmovelove Says:

    Oh – I wish I had TJ’s – $50 that’s incredible. My grocery stores suck 😦

    I’ve only watched a few episodes of reruns of that show on the weekends – it’s craziness them girls!! 🙂

  2. Heather Eats Almond Butter Says:

    Oh gosh, so many great recipes from other bloggers. I really like Chocolate Covered Katie’s Brownie Batter Pancakes and Gena’s (Choosing Raw) guacamole.

    Nearest Trader Joe’s is about 3 miles away – definitely my go-to grocery store of choice, and nope, never watched any RHoNJ. Not much of reality TV fan…although I have gotten caught up in few episodes of the Kardashians…can’t help myself. 😉

    So glad you enjoy the protein ice-cream recipe. One of my favs as well, and your bowl looks especially yummy. You really can’t go wrong with chocolate chips! 🙂

  3. Angela (the diet book junkie) Says:

    wow, looks like you got quite a bargin! was everything on sale, or is TJ’s really just that good?

    favourite recipes…..might have to be those stuffed red peppers you made a while back, and those kale chips i keep meaning to try! i like things quick and easy 🙂

    (er, sorry, i’ve only seen a few reruns of that show. we’re a little behind over here…:)

  4. 40apples Says:

    Don’t you love how you can get a heaping PILE of stuff from Trader Joe’s and it’s still like 50 or 60 bucks? I mean really, why shop anywhere else!? Favorite TJ’s products: roasted almond butter with flax, reduced sugar preserves, their huge containers of grape tomatoes (and berries, when I’m lucky), roasted red pepper hummus, tomato basil marinara… this list could keep going 😉

    Favorite things I’ve found from other blogs – well first of all I have to just state that I am ALWAYS getting inspired by other blogs…. and I have to keep it in check or else I’ll go out and buy all these new ingredients for about 100 new recipes to try! Anyway. My faves: HEAB protein ice cream (woot woot!) and green monsters… though I really want to start trying some of the great entrees I’ve seen out there. And desserts!

  5. Megan @ Healthy Hoggin Says:

    Oh, I am missing Trader Joe’s this week! I’m traveling for business, and had to shop at Whole Foods instead– my bill was DOUBLE what it normally is! Ugh. 😦

    Glad you like the Pecan Pie Babies!! Obviously, I love them, too!! But my current fave is my Cherry Chocolate Bomb Pudding– you can see it on my blog EVERY DAY lately! It’s just that good!

  6. Laury @TheFitnessDish Says:

    WOW!! All that for $50!!! Great deal!!!!

    IO have a TJ kinda near me, a couple actually…but both are not exactly in my route. I ONLY buy my almond butter at TJ 🙂

  7. glutenfreemuse Says:

    I’m so jealous you live so close to a TJs. The closest one to me is 5 hours away! Road trip anyone?? 🙂


  8. Brittany (A Healthy Slice of Life) Says:

    My closest TJ is in Charlotte, about 35-40 minutes away. I try and go whenever I’m in the city! The amount of food you can get for your money is amazing! 🙂

    PS- I love my magic bullet too!

  9. Heather Says:

    one of my faves is the 3-minute cookie from carrots n cake…i make mine for breakfast and it’s SOOOOOOO good!

  10. Katie Says:

    I so didnt watch Real Housewives last night either!!!! I am hoping to catch the rerun~~~

    I love the goods from trader joes! They do have amazing deals there!!!

    My pug is a wild one! She is the best though! Have agreat day beautiful!! xoxo

  11. Shanna, like Banana Says:

    TJs is my absolutely favorite store ever. I can wander in their for hours! I love their organic extra firm tofu, smartdogs, pizza dough, broccoli slaw, Apple/Cinn instant oatmeal, gnocchi, habenero tortillas….

    Clearly I could go on and on!

    I DVRed RHoNJ and totally will watch it tonight!

  12. Wendy @ Seriously Sassy Says:

    Ok I am SO gonna try the date with nut butter inside! I’ve had a package of medjool dates in the fridge for two weeks and haven’t done anything with them yet. Thanks!
    I don’t watch any of the Real Housewives shows but maybe I’ll give one a try sometime. Looks entertaining!
    I am SOOOOO with ya on TJ’s being reasonably-priced. I am still floored at the fact that I spend less there than I used to spend at the regular grocery store – and I’m getting MUCH healthier food! WIN-WIN!! I will be a lifetime TJ’s shopper and seriously will make sure that if we ever move, there’s a TJ’s nearby!!

  13. Holly @ Self-love and Running Says:

    I have never been to a Trader Joe’s! There isn’t one near us.

  14. Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) Says:

    Oats in a jar are pretty genius…well, anything oat related is perfect in my book. I don’t watch that show. We don’t do a lot of tv and those shows are so crazy. I would think sleep would be so much better! I do love Trader Joe’s. Unfortunately it is just far enough away to not be super convenient. I go out of my way though!

  15. jen Says:

    Hi Holly! Stopping by my fellow MN blogger’s site. 🙂

    I love TJ’s, but I’m not super close to the ones here (20 min) so it’s not super convenient. I love their Almond Butter (I noticed you had it) and I always stock up on beans, nuts, etc. I haven’t been loving their produce though. I don’t like all the packaging and it doesn’t seem to last long.

    As far as foods from other blogs – I do a like a green monster on occasion and my recipe for black and blue bean burgers was inspired by the Front Burner. Here is a link to my take on them.

  16. rc1001 Says:

    No Trader Joe’s. Love the Real Housewives but refuse to watch New Jersey, Atlanta, or DC.

  17. lizlivingvegan Says:

    I LOVE Trader Joes! In my opinion, they have the BEST Almond Butter. (I get the Crunchy Unsalted and then add salt… haha.)

  18. Julia Says:

    1. I dunno! BUT those pecan things looks mighty yummy, I must try them-STAT

    2. NO! and i’m so jealous of people that do.

    3. Periodically, i randomly flip through, will stop and get bored. I can get the gist of the episode in like 5 minutes so I have never watched a whole episode.

  19. erika @ Dr.TriRunner Says:

    Howdy neighbor! 😉 My closest TJs is the one in St. Louis Park in the Excelsior & Grande strip. Sadly, many of my all time favorites have been DISCONTINUED.. which is actually a quite frequent phenomenon there. >=/ Anyways….
    -If you use almond breeze, they have hands down the best price around.
    -Tomatillo salsa.
    -Like Jen… I don’t usually go for produce there (more $$ than farmers markets), except bananas. Those… are reallydamncheap. 🙂
    -If you have to buy prepared food… I love TJs stuff. Tons of options and great for a grab-n-go meal to take to the lake for a concert at Harriet!!

  20. Stacey (The Habit of Healthy) Says:

    Yep, I love nut butter and dates too! Such a tasty combo. Oh and I’m drooling over your selection of Clif bars. I love them but you pretty much can’t find them in the UK. 😦

  21. Holly Says:

    That protein ice cream looks AMAZING!!!

    I love TJs but I haven’t gotten to shop there very frequently because they were always too far away. However, my apartment is now about 5 miles away from one and I am super pumped to go more often!! I love their prices, they’re incredible. I also love their chocolate covered peanut butter pretzels. 😉

  22. Tina Says:

    If we had a TJs less than 30 min away I would only shop there. And for the record, those apple chicken sausages are my favorite. I adore them.

    Bloggies always have the BEST recipes and food ideas.

  23. Dorry Says:

    I love Emily’s vegan black bean burgers from The Front Burner – delicious! And I was definitely inspired by bloggers to jazz up my morning oats. No Trader Joe’s in Texas but I make it a point to visit TJ’s when I’m in other cities. 🙂

  24. leashieloo Says:

    I love seeing what other people buy, especially at TJs. I’m loving the copious amount of Clif bars! TJ’s has the best alfredo, marinades, and desserts. Their frozen chocolate croissants are amazingness. I could go on and on but there is probably a word limit on this thing!

  25. Mary (A Merry Life) Says:

    1. What is your favorite treat/meal that you found on another blog? I’ve found so many! I love a lot of smoothie recipes I’ve found. Those treats you posted all look lovely!
    2. Do you have a Trader Joe’s near you? What are your favorite products? I love Trader Joe’s but now that I’m in new zealand I def don’t have a close one. I actually love their moisturizer.
    3. Did you watch RHoNJ? Should I watch the rerun or skip it? Nope, never seen it.

  26. Becky Says:

    RHoNJ was nutty and trashy as ever. It may not be quality, but I cannot stop watching. It was the finale…so you must see it!

    I love TJ’s. Their Sweet Poppyseed Dressing is my favorite salad dressing OF ALL TIME! I buy multiples every time I go.

  27. Alycia [Fit n Fresh] Says:

    I loveeee TJ’s! I actually need to run back to mine soon. Those rum balls look fab and I’m way jealous of your $50 grocery bill haha 🙂

  28. Alex @ IEatAsphalt Says:

    I love Trader Joe’s and am constantly surprised at their prices. I will say that mine tends to not have the greatest fresh produce, so I usually save that for Whole Foods. I love their butternut squash soup and the creamy tomato. They are staples for me!

  29. Stephanie@ avocado nation Says:

    I think Kodiak Cakes are my favorite thing that I have found from other blogs. I know there are others but I am drawing a blank.

    I love Trader Joes. My favorite treats are almond butter, dried mango, and the log of goat cheese. So delicious.

    I LOVE RHoNJ. So trashy and delicious.

  30. mostlyfitmom Says:

    I just made these: So good!

    No Trader Joe’s in Canada – well, as far as I know, anyway 😦

    Don’t watch RHoNJ – took me a minute to figure out what you meant. LOL

    Way to get back to your workouts!

  31. Janna's Keeping it Real! Says:

    I have way too many favorites that i’ve found! That is one of the *many* things i am so grateful for that comes with blogging!

    I don’t have a trader joes in the town i live in, but there is one where I work. It’s probably a good thing it isn’t *too* close, that gets dangerous! =0) They have so much that i LOVE, i often walk out with more than just the essentials!

    I’ve never watched RHoNJ, although after hearing my morning radio show talk about it, i feel like I might be missing out! Draaaama!!! I actually don’t really watch anything (with the exception of the office, on my computer) because i ……..don’t have cable! =X i know, right? crazy!

  32. Holly Says:

    AHH SO JEALOUS Of Trader Joe’s- we don’t have one- the closest thing is Whole Foods.
    And, I LOVE Averie’s blog too- she has so many good ideas & recipes!
    Oh, & you know I watch HWoNJ 😀 I actually just caught up on it last night- I have to say this season was kind of dumb, no? I prefer HWoNY or HWoOC.

  33. christyn @ All Ways Nutritious Says:

    is there a TJ’s in Canada?

    i am always being inspired by other peoples awesome blogs. my absolute favorite has to be Gena’s soft serve!! its hands down the best ‘ice cream’ treat ever!!

    i also have been having my frozen chocolate almond bliss inspired by Alive mag. a lot this summer….so easy

  34. Healthy Coconut Says:

    I’m near a lot of health food stores by my work (5 stores) and a Trader Joes by my house. I love TJ, I can walk out with a lot of items and didn’t have to pay so much (unlike Wholefoods).

    I like the prepared salad at TJs and also their mix nuts assortment. I also like that you can buy 1 banana if you want, lol!

  35. Joan Says:

    Holly – FIBERCAKES!!!!! Can’t live without them!!! and of course, Reduced Fat Southwest Salad! My staples!

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