Treasure City

Hi Friends!

We had such a busy weekend — I am actually looking forward to going to work this morning! I miss my daily routine. 😦

First things first: the winner of the Nuttzo Giveaway:

Congrats Alyssa at GlutenFree Muse! Please email me at with your name and address to claim your prize! Thanks to all who entered. I’ve got more goodies to share at the end of this week πŸ™‚

Wendy, you were kind enough to remember that J and I went to a wedding reception on Saturday — I did not take photos because I really don’t know the bride/groom too well (bride is J’s coworker) — and it was a pretty laid back affair. But they had good food and plenty of music πŸ™‚

Yesterday J and I went to a bbq/outdoor party and were asked to bring a dish to share. Usually I bring veggies or a salad (or something I can eat in case everything is not lookin good) — but I wanted to bring some sort of dessert instead. I decided to make a Fruit Pizza. I used a Pillsbury recipe and it turned out fabulous:

It was a big hit at the party πŸ™‚

After we left, J and I stopped at this place:

I don’t really know how to describe this place, so I’ll let the pics speak for themselves:

We did find one treasure from Treasure City to bring home:

They fit right in with Big Mac and Mayor McCheese!!! And for only $10, how could we not buy them?


1. What do you like to bring to potlucks/bbqs/parties?

2. Do you have any collections? I wouldn’t call my McD things a “collection” although I sure would like to get the rest of the glasses in that set. I used to collect shot glasses, but I recently sold them all in a garage sale.

3. What was the highlight of your weekend?

Have a great day,


38 Responses to “Treasure City”

  1. Kristy Says:

    Love the mc d’s!! I love bringing dessert to a party, yours looks delish! πŸ™‚

  2. carly Says:

    That place looks awesome!

    Hmmm, I wouldn’t say I collect anything, although I have a gingerbread man (and lady) motif for the holiday season. I also love anything with schnauzers on it. πŸ™‚

  3. 40apples Says:

    Hahaha what an AWESOME place!! The shell creations are unbelievable.
    I love “junk shops” – I’ve found some pretty cool old glasses, tea cups, and little ceramic bowls from the 50s and 60s that now decorate my room. My “official” collection is the china tea cups, though I only have like 5! My aunt started getting me those a few years ago and while most of them live at my parents house, I would love to one day display them all on a shelf (when I have SPACE), all lovely-like. πŸ™‚
    What I bring to bbq’s: almost always veggies and hummus! Like you, I like to have food insurance in case there’s nothing else to eat.
    Best thing this weekend: spending Saturday out and about on my own. Felt great!
    Have a great Monday, Holly!

  4. Katie Says:

    Love that fruit pizza recipe! I have had that at a party before! Yummy!!!!

    I love stores like treasure city, gosh it reminds me of stores near beaches or boardwalks! love it!!

    U are rocking those sunglasses! Such a hottie!!!

    omg are those salt and pepper shakers!! they are so cute!!

    I have a hello kitty collection! I know , big shocker! lol!

    Love ya girl! Have a great day! And yes the melons have to be held up for sure in that dress! lol! xoxo

  5. Brittany (A Healthy Slice of Life) Says:

    My weekend was awesome… water skiing, tubing, tennis, baking, wogging, yard work.. busy!!

    but there was no treasure city.. bummer. it looks like a giant garage sale, and I mean that in a good way- i love garage sales πŸ™‚

  6. eatmovelove Says:

    Love those glasses! The fruit pizza looks good – a graham cracker crust?

    I love bringing desserts to pot-lucks πŸ˜‰ – my chocolate-chip muffins are a hit usually. Also, some type of casserole is always good.

    Highlight of the weekend? Hah -it sucked. Oh, chocolate-chip ice cream , watching Ratatouille, and baking muffins πŸ™‚

    Thanks for your comment BTW – means alot πŸ˜‰

  7. Wendy Says:

    Aw, thanks for the blog mention, Holly! πŸ™‚ Glad you had a good time at the wedding reception!
    Wow, Treasure City looks like quite a unique store! VERY random collection of….things. I can’t believe you didn’t go home with the red-eyed alligator head. What were you THINKING?
    I usually bring some sort of fruit salad to potlucks or BBQs, because if I don’t bring some, there is usually little to no fruit there at all. I refuse to fill up on potato salad and chips, so….

  8. Katie @ Health for the Whole Self Says:

    That place looks really neat and fun! And your fruit pizza looks majorly yummy!

    I have a small collection of these figurines called Willow Tree Angels, but I really only have a few of them at this point. For whatever reason I’ve never been good at collecting things.

    Hope you’re having a great Monday! πŸ™‚

  9. Shanna, like Banana Says:

    I try to bring two things to potlucks — a dessert because I love to bake. And then a healthy veggie side (quinoa salad, no-may coleslaw etc) so I’m guaranteed to have something to eat!

  10. Maria @ Oh Healthy Day Says:

    Your fruit pizza almost looks too cute to eat! Though I for sure, I would have gobbled up at least two pieces…and snuck two more.

  11. Michelle Says:

    That fruit pizza looks so good! I love to bring my honey-chipotle baked beans to barbeques (from cooking light). People love it and ask for the recipe all the time.

  12. tastyandtrim Says:

    That fruit pizza looks so pretty-and delicious! I love bringing puppy chow to BBQs. I just melt peanut butter and chocolate chips, coat chex cereal with it, and then cover with powdered sugar. It is always a hit and there are never any leftovers πŸ˜‰

  13. theemptynutjar Says:

    Looks like you had a nice weekend.
    No collections for me.

    As for your comment on my post…I hear ya…I struggle with making peace with myself and OTHERS too. Its hard. I have been really hurt by others in the past/current. And they walk around with blinders on and act all cheery and happy-go-lucky and I want to scream at them and tell them the pain they caused me and the mess I am now.
    I look back on my “old ” life and what I am now, and it horrifies me.
    I wrote that post in effort to quelch my worries….I need to recognize that comparing to my old self and to others will hurt me. I just wish it were easier 😦

  14. Healthy Coconut Says:

    I like how you dressed that fruit pizza. Very colorful. I make a similar dish, it’s called veggie bars. The toppings are fresh raw veggies.

    I like bringing side dishes to potlucks, like veggies or fruit salads.

  15. Laury @thefitnessdish Says:

    Congrats to the winner!

    The fruit pizza looks like it would of been a hit!! Yumm Yumm πŸ™‚

    The highlight of my weekend was finding out some very exciting news, that I can’t share just yet…but will soon enough πŸ˜‰

    Have a great Monday!

  16. rc1001 Says:

    I love kitschy shops like that!! I don’t collect much of anything really. I used to collect fairies.

    Highlight of the weekend was probably my three hour nap yesterday. Did lots of other stuff but that really took the cake. Ha! I’m such an old lady.

  17. spabettie Says:

    wow – that place looks great!! I love snooping around stores like that, even if I feel like I need hand sanitizer after – hee!

    I collect crowns and tiaras. In college I’d have a bunch of girlfriends over for dinner parties on pageant nights (Miss Universe is TONIGHT!!), and when I greeted them at the door they could pick a crown to wear for the evening. πŸ™‚

  18. Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers Says:

    oooh i wanna make that fruit pizza!

  19. Amykinz Says:

    First I just have to say that your dessert pizza makes me SOOOO happy, because I’m completely anal-retentive & LOVE how neat the lines are! lol

    Now, onto your questions…

    1. I love bringing Buffalo Chicken Dip to recipes, but now I’m dairy-free, so I just don’t know what I’m going to do w/o this stuff!

    2. I used to collect angels, but I hate clutter, so no more collections for me.

    3. You’ll have to read my blog posts to find out my weekend highlights. πŸ˜‰

  20. Emily Says:

    The highlight of my weekend actually happened this morning (because I went in late to work). I had such a good run! I feel the same way about getting back into a routine.

  21. kaztronomic Says:

    That dessert pizza looks so good! It charms me because it mixes a bit of decadence with health. (If it has fruit on it, it’s healthy, right? Like, pie = health food. So there.) πŸ˜€

    I always bring desserts, too, like sugar cookies or cupcakes. =)

    Treasure City looks like a neat place to explore. It reminds me of those tourist traps in those coastal cities. I second Kristina’s sentiment — fun to explore, but bring the hand sanitizer. πŸ˜‰

    I dig the salt and pepper shakers! πŸ˜€ I don’t collect anything, maybe dust. =P

    The highlight of my weekend was working. Oh, and I bought a new dress, which is always exciting, right? Hehe.

  22. Tina Says:

    Now I’m even more motivated to make the fruit pizza! Looks delicious.

    I don’t really have anything I collect. Maybe Christmas ornaments because we get one new special one every year?

  23. Says:

    a non-moving farm!! haha i love it! “stay still while i take ur picture little animals” lol! omg ur sunglasses rock!! and i want those turtles ❀
    these photos are priceless πŸ™‚

    and congrats to Alyssa, lucky girl!!

  24. Becky Says:

    I loooove fruit pizza! It’s my very favorite summer dessert! I usually bring fruit salsa to summer parties. It’s simple and always pleases the crowd.

  25. Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) Says:

    I love making cookies, squares or any other dessert for get togethers and bbq’s. I love to bake and I’m always looking for some excuse. πŸ˜‰

    Totally love stores like that. They’re so fun to look through. πŸ˜€

  26. Angela (the diet book junkie) Says:

    love those McDonald’s cups!!! suddenly i was 5 years old again. i need to find me a set. πŸ™‚

    i’m not sure i collect anything, but i have HEAPS of chick-lit books. that would be my guilty pleasure. i haven’t been to a potluck before, and now that i think of it, i’m not sure if any of my friends cook! lol….we always go out for dinner πŸ™‚

  27. Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) Says:

    Well, treasure city looks like it is full of awesome! Love the glass collection! That is really cool. I have a problem with collections. I had to dust too many as a kid, so I have none now other than maybe cookbooks. I enjoyed some family time with my boys…priceless! I hope you have a great week!

  28. Alycia [Fit n Fresh] Says:

    Congrats to the winner! And your dessert looks AWESOME πŸ™‚

  29. Myra Says:

    what a riot. tyler said he’s always wanted to stop there on the way to the cabin but no one ever wants to stop with him. p.s. deep blue sea is on right now. my head is like a shark’s face.

  30. leashieloo Says:

    I adore fruit pizza, I wish more people brought them to potlucks!

  31. emily (a nutritionist eats) Says:

    So happy you found me and I found you!! πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to read more!

  32. Holly Says:

    Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog! πŸ™‚ It’s nice to meet someone from the same area. I’ve been following your blog for awhile but I am generally more of a lurker than a poster, although that will have to change. πŸ˜‰

  33. Steph@stephsbitebybite Says:

    I love your dessert pizza! Dessert is actually what I love to bring most to potlucks. I think that’s the one thing everyone looks forward to and is sure to bring a smile to everyones face. So, yes, dessert is the crowd pleaser that I use to my advantage πŸ™‚

  34. Janna's Keeping it Real! Says:

    wowww. that shop is out of control! haha

    and that pie, i *must* do that for a party! That is uber cute!

    I used to collect (get ready for this…i was a nerd) business cards! That is until my mom read an article about a kid who had a “make a wish” to make it into the Guinness World book of records for largest business card collection. she talked me into (reluctantly) sending all my business cards to this kid, and a few months later the magazine ran a retraction stating it was a hoax….all my hard work and business cards GONE, just like that! ;0)

    Highlight of my weekend was for sure my dinosaur peach pie…for sure.

  35. mostlyfitmom Says:

    These days I usually bring a really great salad, with lots of different stuff in it.

    I can’t say I collect anything – maybe schoolwork? LOL

    Highlight of the weekend: leaving my kids with my parents for a week. Yes, so I can have some free time, but also because my kids didn’t cry when we left. They love spending time with Grandma and Grandpa. πŸ™‚

  36. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) Says:

    fruit pizza looks awesome

    but i would realllllly love to go to treasure city w/ skylar. i could get in and out of there for $10 bucks and get her enough nick-nacks to last a lonnnnng time. that’s a 3 yr old’s paradise πŸ™‚

    party food for bbqs/holidays

  37. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear Says:

    Your fruit pizza looks awesome!

    My highligh was definitely U2 concert πŸ™‚

  38. Pizza Party | The Couch Potato Athlete Says:

    […] yes, this is Angela’s Breakfast Pizza. I made a Fruit Pizza a few weeks ago, but I loved Angela’s use of peanut butter as the top drizzle! I changed up a few things: I […]

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