Blog Fail

Hi Friends 🙂

Yesterday was an incredibly frustrating day. I was hoping to have the new blog up and running, but we are running into too many problems. I am ready to throw my computer out the window! I have wasted my entire weekend and all of my energy on this and felt no closer to my goal. I *now* know what I need to do, it will just take more time than I had anticipated. Yes I was so stubborn that I tried to do most of it on my own — now I have asked for help.

The good news is that I ran 9 miles on Saturday with little knee pain — when I ran I felt fine, but during my cool down the pain was unbelievable. Stretching, ice and my foam roller helped me tons though — and this week is a lower mileage week, so hopefully I’ll be feeling much better soon. If not, I’m making a doctor’s appointment.

During my run I saw this commercial and LOVED IT — check it out:

Tomorrow I’ll have a recap of my February goals and I’ll let you know what I thought of The Hunger Games (yes I read it in two days, it was so good!)

Have a great day!


11 Responses to “Blog Fail”

  1. bakebooks Says:

    Oh! It wasn’t a fail – you can only learn by making mistakes. Unfortunately for some of us we have to do it the long and hard way. How do you feel about changing your blog’s name? I want to in the future but I always change my mind as to WHAT! Hah – as in the focus, etc. What type of focus do you want? Anything – life related or more of a niche? Are you afraid your going to want to change your new name or is that just me 🙂 I would like to self-host (maybe) but then I really have to know the name!

  2. 1970kikiproject Says:

    congrats on the run! (I’ll start with the positive!)
    and so sorry to hear of the fail…so frustrating. on a lesser scale, i feel your pain: i suddenly can’t upload photos on my site – yesterday it was fine??? i am soooo not a techie.
    ok, very best wishes as you figure out the blog stuff. and i completely get your frustration and feeling of wasting your time/weekend. it’s the pits, as my mom would say!

  3. Beth Says:

    Aww man I was so looking forward to seeing the new blog/hearing the name!! Patience is a virtue I suppose. 🙂

  4. Christin@purplebirdblog Says:

    Hahahaha that commercial freakin’ rules! 🙂

  5. Laury @thefitnessdish Says:

    Oh, I know how frustrating it is when you make blog changes! Computer problems are the worst! Nothing gets me more frustrated! Glad you now know what you need to do! Hopefully it’s seamless here on out! Can’t wait to see the changes!!!

  6. Stephanie Says:

    That is a FANTASTIC commercial! I sometimes wish I could just watch commercials as mini-movies without having to see the end bit where they’re selling things.

    Hunger Games is one of my favourite books. It chews you up and spits you out again! Catching Fire is also great. I didn’t love Mockingjay AT ALL, so I’ve chosen to pretend that it doesn’t even exist.

  7. glutenfreemuse Says:

    Like the new blog layout!!

  8. charlotte Says:

    Blog problems are THE WORST. I’m in the midst of a months-long transition to WordPress (I.Hate.Blogger.) that has almost had me chucking my laptop through the nearest window. Good luck and I hope you get it all figured out!

  9. Kristina Says:

    I’m so digitally retarded so I give you credit for keeping it up-I would have frisbeed my computer out the window-keep at it!

  10. Courtney (Pancakes and Postcards) Says:

    Good job on your run!! I’m really sorry about your frustration. I hope it works out and that a few days from now you’ve forgotten about what a pain in the ass it was! Good luck!

  11. blackhuff Says:

    Great news that you ran on Saturday with little knee pain.
    Sorry to hear about your mishap with the new blog things. If I get this type of thing with my websites, I also want to throw the computer out the window or SCREAM! So I know your frustration.

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