Big Mac & Cool Cucumber

Hi Readers!

What could be better than a Green Monster in a Big Mac glass?

Did you know that Big Mac is a police officer? I didn’t, until I got these glasses. J bought them for me for our first wedding anniversary. Yes, I said “them” – there is another glass that I may show you tomorrow…any guesses?


Who is that pirate guy and the guy in the lab coat? Hint: don’t guess either of those guys, I’ve never seen them before!

Well you all answered my pleas for cucumber recipes. I decided to go with something simple, and Alycia from Fit n Fresh gave me the perfect idea of using vinegar and sugar:

Cool Cucumber Salad

2 cucumbers, thinly sliced
1/3 cup white vinegar
1 tsp sugar
½ tsp salt
I whisked together all the wet ingredients and then tossed the cucumbers slices in the mixture.

It turned out great! You could definitely play with the vinegar/sugar amounts to suit your tastes. I like a slightly tangy, vinegary taste.

So did you watch Top Chef last night?

Do you think that Alex “stole” Ed’s pea puree? I was watching the show/folding laundry/reading blogs at the same time, so I may have missed some key information, and I know how Bravo likes to edit their shows. I don’t really like Alex, so maybe he did do it!

Plans for later today:

-TurboFire HIIT
-Short run with J
-Dinner: salmon burgers and carrot fries
-Start reading The Lovely Bones (have you read this?)
-Watch Bethenny Getting Married (?)

Question of the day: What book are you reading right now? Or, what book would you like to read next? I have been reading the Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) books, but I decided to take a break and read The Lovely Bones. With all this Eat, Pray, Love hoopla going on, I may have to pick that up too.

Have a great day!


Wise Yoda Is

Hi Readers!

I loved reading the comments about favorite treats! The brownies lasted through the night and got packed up for J to take to work. I love having a kitchen smell of chocolate though!

Breakfast today was the usual GM:

Almond milk, pb, whey protein, chia meal, ½ banana, handful of blueberries:

I’m having a great lunch: minestrone soup with a grilled chicken salad. So satisfying. I love soup/sandwich and soup/salad lunches. They really fill me up!

Tonight I have a million things to do, including finishing up my 10 mile/FBB/TurboFire training plan. Thanks everyone for the tips!

HEAB is hosting a give away on her blog (for a bottle of avocado oil!), check it out! She is hosting it for Jessica, who has a blog Give Away One Thing A Day, where she has daily giveaways, and the winner is then asked to pay it forward by giving away an item of their own. What a great idea!

A friend gave me some great motivational quotes today, and I thought I’d share them with you! (Thanks Kim!)

The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.Will Rogers

You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.Edwin Louis Cole

And some more of my favorites:

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Do or do not…there is no try. – Yoda


That’s for you Jason.

Angela has a page with great quotes, check it out!

Question of the day: What is your favorite quote? I love motivational quotes, but funny movie quotes are fun too!

Have a great day,
