The Beauty of Blogs

Hi Readers! 🙂
Today I finished the TurboFire HIIT 15 minute workout. I know, 15 minutes sounds short, but this is pretty intense. I followed it up with a 30 minute sculpting routine and I am feeling good now!
My afternoon snack was a MIM. (Muffin in a Minute!) I saw the idea today on The Art of Kaztronomy 

I used the original recipe, except I used ground chia meal instead of flax meal.

Fresh out of the microwave:

Out of the mug and onto a plate:

 It tasted very much like a bran muffin — would be good with some PB spread on top!
After TurboFire I made dinner.  
Dinner: Chicken/pasta/veg with a side of green beans (Thank you Trader Joes!)
 Lots of beautiful veggies!
Tomorrow night J is taking me to Inception – have you seen it? I’ve heard it is really good but kind of confusing? I need to make sure I pay attention!
I was thinking today about what I want my blog to become, and I realized I need to just go with the flow. Every day I think of something new to write about, or a new tab I want to add to my menu of options. I need to just take it day by day and enjoy the ride! I am already overwhelmed with the amount of comments and emails I have already received and I cannot wait to see where this goes.
I first started reading food/healthy living blogs about 4-5 months ago. I stumbled upon a few healthy living blogs. These women were all strong, fit and healthy. I found it motivating to read about their lives, their exercise and food habits and I started implementing changes in my own life.
I had recently lost some weight with Weight Watchers, but I never really knew much about food. What is healthy? What is unhealthy? How much is too much? How much is too little? Seeing photographs of food and reading why certain foods are good for you truly helped me gain a better understanding of what I should be eating throughout the day. I was training for my marathon at the time and I was clueless about what to eat and how to fuel my body. I learned a lot from the blogs and I hope readers learn from my blog as well!
So do we really need another food/healthy living blog? Of course! The more ideas and motivation we get from blogs, the better off we will all be. Another reason I loved reading blogs is because they detailed accounts of actual people. Look at the beauty you can find in food and in feeling healthy. Today I read Live Laugh Eat  which had beautiful pictures of a dragonfruit – who knew they were so beautiful?!

I’m working on my workout dvd reviews, they should be up later tonight!
Question of the Day: What makes a good blog? Would you like to be included in my blog roll?

16 Responses to “The Beauty of Blogs”

  1. Maria @ Oh Healthy Day Says:

    HIIT is not for the faint of heart! They said that if you can do more than 15 minutes, then you didn’t do it right 🙂

    What makes a great blog? Photos of food of course and simply being honest. I love reading a post about someone’s really great day, but I also appreciate the raw honesty of posts that talk about the not so great days. Humor goes a long way with me too!

  2. Allie (Live Laugh Eat) Says:

    Hey Holly!

    Thanks for the shout out! Your blog is beautiful and definitely don’t think too hard about where you want your blog to go….it’ll just happen naturally. I’ve found that focus and style change from time to time depending on where I am in my life!

    I haven’t seen inception–I want to though. I think we’re gonna go next week for bargain Tuesday ($6). I wanna try Turbo Fire for sure.

  3. Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) Says:

    I think being yourself is the best part of blogging. It has taken me some time to get into a groove. I was afraid to share too much of my personal life, but I think it is important to see how my family works together through food and lifestyle. By sharing the good and the bad, we can all get ideas on how to be better in all aspects of life!

  4. glutenfreemuse Says:

    I think that yummy pictures and relatability make a great blog 🙂 I like feeling that my readers are my friends and my own little personal support group! I would love to be part of your blogroll…I love hearing everyone’s different outlooks on life and food!


  5. Nicole Says:

    I love your take on the health blogs…the more the merrier!

  6. fitandfortysomething Says:

    these turbo fire workouts sound amazing! great work with the intensity. i think a good blog is written by a blogger who is being themselves. right what you want and if people like it they will read it. that is what i do……..yours is great so far! i would love to be on your blog roll and i will put you on mine 🙂

  7. Danielle (Runs on Green) Says:

    That’s sort of the approach to my blog- I don’t really have a direction, I’m sort of just going with the flow 🙂

    I think a good blog is one with personality!

  8. Tina Says:

    HIIT is such a great workout and 15 minutes is plenty to get a good sweat on!

    I think writing about what you are passionate about and sharing kindness is what makes a good blog. I love blogs that share about life as well as healthy recipes or workouts.

  9. kaztronomic Says:

    Thanks for the shout-out on the MIM! 😀 I definitely think peanut butter makes them awesome, so do give it a try next time.

    I think going with the flow is the best approach. It’s taken me a bit of time to find my “voice” but I don’t ever feel pressured to stick with one theme or mood or style, you know? You’ll do great, I can tell already. You seem very smart and clever and witty and very cool. 😀

    I personally love blogs that are full of pictures of yummy eats. I almost always look to blogs for inspiration for my next meal, and pictures give me visual proof of something’s yumminess. 😉

  10. kaztronomic Says:

    Oh! And please add me to your blogroll — I’d be so flattered if you did! You’re already on mine. 😀

  11. michellestgermain Says:

    Hi Holly, I just found your blog. I am thinking about the same stuff with mine – what is my direction? But I decided that I’ll just let it develop and I’ll find my niche soon enough. I’m thinking about WW too. Can you elaborate more on that? Do you do the meetings? Are you still using the program? I have lots of questions! 🙂

    • couchpotatoathlete Says:

      I no longer go to meetings, I reached my Lifetime (goal) weight back in February — when I was marathon training I gained about 6 lbs (eating too much and not tracking much) and just recently I took those 6 lbs off.

      I enjoyed the meetings, they gave me an extra boost each week. They talk about motivation, menu ideas and exercise ideas.

      I don’t follow the program exactly, but it is hard to not look at a food and know the points value — so I kind of track in my head for now. If I were to start gaining weight I would definitely jump back on the WW wagon to lose again. Feel free to email me with any more questions!

  12. laurmeliss Says:

    A good blog includes lots of quality photos, with a balance of text. I hate blogs that are just solid blocks of text. I don’t have time to sift through all of those words! I really love Probably because of how she organizes her blogs.

    & I would LOVE to be included in your blogroll. I would return the favor as well. My blog:

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