Falling in Love Again

Thanks everyone for the nice wishes during my 10 mile run yesterday! It meant so much. And I have to admit…

I’m falling in love with running again. 🙂

It felt so good to just MOVE and to feel so alive and to feel the blood pumping through my legs! It was a brisk Sunday morning – I think it was between 30 and 40 degrees at 5am – it warmed up a bit before the race started at 7am.

But it was still cold!

Jason and I ran separately – I didn’t want to feel any pressure to run faster or slower, so we just went our separate ways. We ended up finishing only a few minutes apart. The entire time during the race I felt great: alive, healthy, well, excited and pumped up. I just wanted to finish and I wanted to be proud of myself. Even though I quit running a while ago, I still have a good aerobic base (I think) which helped me with this race. My time:

10 min/miles is really good (to me!)considering how much I haven’t been running. It was honestly one of the better races I have participated in – what helped was that there was NO PRESSURE. And yes it has always been myself putting pressure on me – no one else. Plus I think 10 miles is such a good distance: it is long and rough, but still doable. It wasn’t so long that I thought I could have hurt myself by not training properly. Again, I think all of the cardio in Turbo Jam helped me out tremendously. Here’s my finisher shirt:

They didn’t have finisher medals for the 10 mile participants – to be honest I was super disappointed! But the shirt is really nice so it was worth it J

So, I will not pressure on myself to run as much as I did in the beginning of the year, but I think I will throw a run in here and there. And I am thinking about running in this race:

Just another reason for Jason and I to have good costumes this year – we can wear them at the race too!


  1. Have you ever participated in a race? What was your favorite one? Would you do another? I can’t believe I’m saying this…but I am thinking more and more about training for another marathon next Spring – if you read my recap you know that my first marathon didn’t go as planned. I kind of want to redeem myself. But I don’t know if I can go through that whole process again. I still have time to think about it.
  2. What is a “new-to-you” exercise that you would love to try? Zumba? Yoga? Running? Cross country skiing? Shake Weight? J I would love to rock climb. Jason and I went rock climbing for our first date and we haven’t been back since! It was so much fun and an excellent workout – my arms and legs burned for days afterward. I would love to rock climb more often – even if only once or twice a month.
  3. What was the highlight of your weekend?

***Oh, and I the 2 times I was drunk at a police station were for DUI nights. The police department held a Citizen’s Academy – where 20-25 residents in the area could take a class where they would learn about the police dept, the fire dept, the different weapons, types of crimes, investigations. One of the nights was DUI night – where they would have volunteers (one of them being ME) drink alcohol (In a controlled environment) until you reached the limit – which I think is 0.08 (?) and then the officers would have you complete the field sobriety tests in front of the residents (walk in a straight line, repeat the ABCs backwards, etc). Let’s just say I am a total lightweight and getting to 0.08 is drunk for me! It was pretty hilarious. Then one of the officers would drive you home. It was all for education!***

Have a great day!


34 Responses to “Falling in Love Again”

  1. Becky Says:

    Congrats on the race! I love running and racing is the best part! I think the 200 mile relay was my favorite one so far. Running is such an individual sport, so it was exciting to have a real “team” cheering me on as I ran. The whole experience felt very adventurous.

  2. Alyssa Says:

    Great job, Holly! I ran a 10k last weekend in prep for my half in 2 wks 🙂

    Love racing! Keep it up!

  3. Kylie @ A Hungry Spoon Says:

    Congrats on the race, Holly! What a great way to spend the weekend 🙂 I haven’t participated in a race yet–I definitely prefer my good ol’ workout DVDs to running. My husband is a runner though, so I spend many a Saturday morning between May and October cheering him on to the finish lines 🙂

    Have a great Monday!

  4. Bree @ beeskneeslife Says:

    First time reader but I wanted to say congrats! You did great. I was out there too – the 10 mile was my first race. I loved it and was really happy with how I did.

  5. Matt Says:

    YES! Glad you are loving running 🙂 Send some of that over here…

  6. michelle Says:

    I’m a running addict! That’s a great time if you haven’t been running much like you said. My favorite distance is the half marathon race… not sure why, I just like that distance for some reason. I’m currently working towards a full marathon.

  7. eatmovelove Says:

    Holy crap Holly! Seriously! I thought you were going to “just” walk it or walk/run – and then you go and bust out a 1:14??! That’s insane! So proud of you – and I’m with Matt…send that over here ;).

    P.S Your hubby is cute and you guys are gorgeous together. But does he have a brother? 🙂

  8. leashieloo Says:

    Congrats on the race, you did awesome! And LOL at your DUI side note story, tres hilarious 🙂

  9. Shanna, like Banana Says:

    Good for you! And 10 min / mile is good for me too!

    New workout? Hmm, I got back into Body Pump and started spinning last year. love both!

  10. Katie Says:

    Congrats on the race! Im not much of a runner, but I do the Girls on the Run 5K twice a year. I run with a 8-12 yr old and it isn’t timed….its a great program.

  11. Holly @ Self-love and Running Says:

    Congrats on your race, Holly! Sounds like it was awesome!

    I have run a 5K race before and really enjoyed it. I would love to do more races. I just need to find ones that fit into my schedule.

    Lately I have been into yoga but I would love to try zumba.

  12. Hollie @ Lolzthatswim(andRun) Says:

    I love running road races. My favorite race would have to be The Wicked 10k, you get to dress up and run in a Halloween Costume!

    Great job on your race, that sounds fabulous! The DUI night sounds hilarious as well. 🙂

  13. Beth Says:

    Congrats on the race! I loooooove running races with no pressure. That was my goal for my half marathon two weeks ago – just to finish! No goal time or anything, and it was definitely one of the best races I’ve ever run!

  14. Maria @ Oh Healthy Day Says:

    Holly you are amazing! What an awesome time! Congrats on the run and for finding a new found love. I think running does that to you – sometimes you hate it, but eventually you always go back to it. Even in my short time with it, I’ve played this game at least twice.

    And you both are totally cute. Just had to throw that out there 🙂

  15. Heather Says:

    way to go girl! that’s so awesome 🙂 sometimes just finishing is the best part!

  16. Katie Says:

    Congrats on the race and what a cute pic of you and our man!

    Hope all is well! xoxo

  17. Laury @thefitnessdish Says:

    Great job on the run!!! The one and only exercise I would love to master is actually running. However, it kills my joints, and I just hate it…I have done it all…plyometrics, zumba, HITT, sprints, etc….just long distance running is the pits to me. Someday though, I’d love to complete a race!

  18. Tina @ Faith Fitness Fun Says:

    Good job! HOlding a 10 min mile pace for 10 miles is very impressive. And so glad you had fun. 🙂

  19. Lisa Says:

    Congrats on the race girl! I admire youu so much for that =)

  20. lisaou11 Says:

    I’d really like to fall in love with running. I WANT to run, but sometimes I’m just too lazy to do it. Any suggestions?

    • couchpotatoathlete Says:

      Ugh, I have had those feelings all too often. What helped me (in the past) was having an event to train for and having a plan (like Hal Higdon’s or Runners World) to follow. But that advice doesn’t apply to me lately since I haven’t ran more than a few miles 4-5x total since July and then I ran 10 miles on Sunday…not sure what I’m getting at here, but thats what happened.

      It also helped me to tell someone that I was going to run that day — I’d tell Jason or one of my sisters or a friend and somehow that solidified my choice to run that day.

  21. 40apples Says:

    Haha I LOVE that the police station had volunteers get drunk in the station! It makes total sense, but the thought of just hanging around a police station getting drunk is really funny to me. You’re such a good citizen 🙂

    CONGRATS on the race!! Goes to show you, when the pressure is off, you can really enjoy something that’s otherwise stressful and no fun. That’s so inspiring.

  22. Emily (A Nutritionist Eats) Says:

    Congrats on the race! 10 miles is awesome!

  23. Mary @ Bites and Bliss Says:

    I’ve only participated in a few 5Ks but they were both pretty fun. The first one was cool cause I got to run through snow..which also made it very hard because it was so cold, but fun nonetheless because it made it interesting.

    Congratulations on the 10 miler!

  24. Wendy @ Seriously Sassy Says:

    Wooooooot! Awesome job, girlfriend! I am way impressed and so proud of you!
    I have run a few 6.2 milers and did my first half marathon this past May. Planning to do the same half marathon next May too and already can’t wait! I do not run the whole thing….I love to walk/run them!
    I would like tom try Zumba one of these days!

  25. Wendy @ Seriously Sassy Says:

    * TO try Zumba….. Not tom!

  26. Koko Says:

    Good for you, Congrats on a great race!

    That getting drunk thing is hilarious!! I would love to do that lol.

  27. Angela (the diet book junkie) Says:

    awesome job on your run!!! i’ve only done one official race (a 9km) and it was one of the best experiences ever! how many participants, do you know?

    i would love to start yoga, i keep hearing such amazing things about it. problem is, if i only have an hour a day for exercise, i’m gonna choose running, hands-down. i guess the solution would be to get up earlier (sigh….isn’t that always the solution? :P)

  28. mostlyfitmom Says:

    Reading about your run made me smile. So happy for you that you enjoyed it!

    I have wanted to try a spin class for a long time, and finally did a couple of weeks ago. Really enjoyed it! I would also love to try Zumba – sounds like fun!

    Highlight of my weekend – seriously, I can only think of negative things right now. It’s been a rough day, and it was a lackluster weekend. 😦

  29. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) Says:

    love the DUI story 🙂

    As for races, fave race EVER: would be the Disney Half followed by the Grandma’s 1/2 Marathon in MN! Yes, loved it. Flew there to run it.

    I have probably run about 100 5k’s and about 50 10k’s competitively, 99% with scott at my side. Many of them were run in the Carolinas in 2000-05 and I won a few trophies. Helps when only 4 people are in your age category in some of those podunk little races…lol.

    GREAT JOB HOLLY!!!!!!!!!! And i woulda been bummed too w/ no medal. 10 miles isnt just some lil 5k, that deserved a medal!


  30. Anne @ Food Loving Polar Bear Says:

    I’m a bit late but congrats on the race 🙂

  31. Smells Like Squash | The Couch Potato Athlete Says:

    […] time to relax and unwind. Last weekend was so busy for Jason and me – Twins game, birthday party, 10 mile race. Ok that doesn’t sound like much, but to me that is too much for one weekend! I like having at […]

  32. Michelle (Housewife in the Raw) Says:

    Hi – I finally clicked over to your blog after seeing that we comment on many of the same blog and was so excited to see that your are in MN!! The ad for the run at the Lake Harriet bandshell made me a bit sad. I miss that place!! We lived in Plymouth for about 6 years and spent most Sunday afternoons/evenings in the summer at the band shell.

    Also – congrats on your run!! Nice work.

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