Oatmeal Baked Apples

Hi Friends 🙂

I’m so glad that many of you will participate in Carly’s Great Blogging Pumpkin Carving Contest 2010! It should be a fun time and I can’t wait to see all of the entries 🙂

Jason and I started watching The Book of Eli last night — I could only last an hour because I had blogs to read needed to get to bed!

It was very strange — most movies that are set in the future are not my favorites — they are too confusing! I can’t even think of any examples — I must have blocked them all out! We’ll watch the rest of Eli tonight and I hope it gets more interesting.

Check out these adorable apples I picked up a few days ago. I love how lopsided they are. How sweet!

There are millions of Apple Crisp/Baked Apple recipes out there. Almost all of them include some amount of flour, sugar and butter. I wanted to make it a little different and it turned out pretty well!

Oatmeal Baked Apples

4 apples, cored and sliced thin

1/4 cup flour (I used ground oats)

1/4 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup oats

1/4 cup applesauce (or less to make it more crumbly)

1 generous sprinkle of cinnamon

1 tsp maple syrup

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat pie pan with non stick spray. Core and slice apples; lay them in the pie pan:

Sprinkle apples with cinnamon and toss to lightly coat. Mix flour, brown sugar, oats, maple syrup and applesauce. Top apples with flour mixture. Bake for 20-25 minutes until apples are tender. If you like lots of “crisp” topping — double the mixture I made (or use 2 apples instead of 4) — I wanted more apples than topping. Crazy, I know.

This made a lovely addition to breakfast — I had a small Pumpkin Pie Monster along with my apples.

A great way to start the day 🙂

What did you have for breakfast today?

How do you keep your schedule straight? Are you a list maker or a calendar keeper? As crazy as it sounds, I actually have a really good memory and can keep track of dates and upcoming events pretty accurately. But I also write a million lists a day. How about you?



34 Responses to “Oatmeal Baked Apples”

  1. carly Says:

    I’ll have to try that recipe when I get back. Going home for the APPLE FESTIVAL, so you know I’m going to be getting a ton of apples! 🙂

    We already have some great entries for the pumpkin carving contest! I’m so excited.

  2. Di @ http://thetreadmilldiaries.com/ Says:

    Mighty yummy looking breakfast. And the recipe seems easy enough. On my end, I had a chocolate banana protein shake and an english muffin with pumpkin pecan butter. Delish.

  3. Alex @ IEatAsphalt Says:

    Mmmm I love Apple Crisp. I always make way more of the topping because it is by far my favorite part.

  4. Alyssa Says:

    Yummy crisp! Apple crisp is one of my faves 🙂

    For breakfast i had reeses peanut butter oats! Or oats with peanut flour and chocolate protein powder :–)

    I am definitely a planner…lists, calendars you name it!

  5. Kate Says:

    your apple bake looks good! how can you go wrong with apples and oats together?!

    i am eating a bowl of chopped apples and cereal covered in yogurt. gotta get that calcium!

  6. Kylie @ A Hungry Spoon Says:

    Love your baked apple recipe! I’m all about using oats in baked treats whenever possible 🙂 I had my usual breakfast this morning: Kashi cereal with a piece of pumpkin-walnut bread.

    Have a great day!

  7. Matt Says:

    I wanna see that movie! I actually have it coming on Netflix!

  8. lizlivingvegan Says:

    I saw a recipe for baked stuffed apples yesterday, and now this! It’s like the food blogging world is ordering me to bake some apples!!! And I think it sounds lovely 🙂

  9. leashieloo Says:

    I had a waffle with PB and berries, quite delish. I love the way those apples look, I adore this season!

  10. Myra Says:

    the apples down here suck big time. i miss good apples.
    also, i don’t think i could ever enjoy apple crisp unless it was made with a ton of butter and brown sugar – sorry, but that’s what makes apple crisp apple crisp. or crips if you will.
    i had cereal like i do every day. just one bowl though. SHAAAAA
    are you thinking of I am Legend? you were the nutso crazy go nuts who didn’t like that movie. everyone else loved it.

  11. Beth Says:

    Ohh that version looks awesome. I actually have some apples at home that I’m going to bake but I think I might bake them whole because that reminds me of my childhood.

    I had Loaded Toast today with cashew butter, smashed banana, and chia seeds, plus an orange. Yum!

  12. Shanna, like Banana Says:

    I have a daily planner and also use outloook and my iphone to keep everything straight. I’m also a big list person. Helps keep me sane!

  13. lisaou11 Says:

    I loved Book of Eli! If you keep watching it,t heres a big turn at the end (like a big shocker) and it has aGREAT message.

  14. eatmovelove Says:

    Oh wow – that looks like a great idea with the apples – anything with oats!

  15. Maria @ Oh Healthy Day Says:

    I keep hand written lists for everything! Even if I lose, it writing it down, helps me remember what I need to do. And nothing is better than crossing something off your list!

  16. Katie Says:

    I’m a list and a calender girl. Overkill? Maybe.

    I bet that apple topping would be great as granola!

  17. Mary @ Bites and Bliss Says:

    I dont know how I manage to keep my schedule straight- I don’t use calendars or anything. I think it’s more of getting into a grove and sticking with it. Then if I *feel* like I should be doing something, it usually means I actually should be lol

  18. Balanced Healthy Life Says:

    I didn’t really like that movie, but my Husband loved it. I think it was a tad too slow for me. Also, yum. I love apple crisp!

  19. Jenna Says:

    Since I got two 10 lb. bags of apples at the apple orchard this past weekend, I think I need to try this recipe out! 🙂

  20. Lisa Says:

    Omg, this looks so good. MY two favorite things! =)

  21. Amanda - Small Home Big Start Says:

    Apple crisp is one of my favs! My boyfriend always begs me to make it for dessert when he is over.

    And that pumpkin smoothie is calling my name. I guess I know what I’m having for breakfast tomorrow 🙂

  22. TheHealthyApron Says:

    I ate Cascadian farms fruit and nut granola + organic nonfat yogurt + blueberries + banana…yum.
    I have a TON of apples after apple picking! The hubs wants me to make apple pie or crisp ASAP! good recipe!

  23. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) Says:

    love the apple recipe
    i have a raw vegan apple crumble AND a vegan GF baked granola recipe…both are faves around here…and I defi prefer more topping to apples, what can I say, I do 🙂

    Lists. I dont make lists. I keep it in my brain.
    I write things down on my calender, old school 2.99 tiny little calender, not a fancy one or an electronic one on my blackberry. But like you, i have a good memory and remember things…although w/ a child and hubs and busy life, my memory is worse than it used to be…

    Shortening and/or dropping the WP part. Good idea. Less of a mouthful. Easier for others to linkback and type it accurately. Not that it matters to you, but in the long run, it will help your traffic I would suspect.


  24. Michelle @ Chasing Ambulances Says:

    Without google calendar, I wouldn’t get anywhere! Actually, before I kept a calendar, I was more committed to remembering things. Now that I use one, I don’t remember anything unless I put it up there!

  25. Emma @ Getting There & Going Places Says:

    Those oatmeal baked apples looks awesome! I think It’s always fun to try and healthify things sometimes!

    I definitely need my lists! I don’t know where I’d be without them! 😉
    If i have something really important to remember, I’ll put a dozen post-its in places I can’t possibly miss them! Like on my computer screen and mirror! I love post-its! 😀

  26. Laury @thefitnessdish Says:

    Yey!! Love baked apples! We are twins today!

  27. Michelle (Housewife in the Raw) Says:

    I haven’t baked apples yet this year, but I do stir them into my steel cut oats while they cook, so kinda similar.

    I’m a list maker, but I’m not consistent as to where I’m writing my lists, so it can lead to trouble. I was more organized when I was working and had everything on my Microsoft Outlook system. Now that I’m home, I tend to use to many calendars and not one central one. Something to work on I suppose…

  28. Sarena (The Non-Dairy Queen) Says:

    I had apple cinnamon oatmeal! The best way to start the day. Although, your way looks pretty good too!. Good luck with that movie. The part I really did not like is that it did not “feel” real. There clothes look too neat and their glasses are too today, if that makes sense. I am curious to know what you think though!

  29. Megan @ Healthy Hoggin Says:

    Those baked apples look delish! (esp. with a pumpkin pie monster!) Such a “Fall” meal! 😉

    I’m totally a planner. I make multiple lists a day, and I love crossing stuff off my To-Do list! (and then making another one!)

  30. Wendy Says:

    Oh, my hubby watched “The Book of Eli” a few weeks ago and told me how bizarre it was. And he LOVES sci-fi/futuristic stuff, so for him to say that – it must be weird! Hope the part you guys watch tonight is a little better!

    What did you have for breakfast today?
    A pumpkin-pecan blondie. Shhh! Oh, and a banana.

    How do you keep your schedule straight? Are you a list maker or a calendar keeper?
    Calendar all the way, baby! I also make to-do lists on the wipe-off board in the kitchen.

  31. Natalie Says:

    Mmmm, that would make a great healthy dessert!

    I am a calendar AND list girl. I usually put sticky notes on my calendar. I have a horrible memory so I have to write everything down!

  32. Clarkie @ A Runner's Diary Says:

    Breakfast I go with oatmeal topped with berries, toast with Nutella, and a fruit smoothie. Favorite meal of the day.

  33. Angela (the diet book junkie) Says:

    i usually don’t like futuristic movies either, although i did like that Will Smith, I Am Legend. oh – and Back to the Future (of course.)

    today it was the usual: scrambled eggs and cereal, aka best meal ever! 🙂

  34. BodyBugg- The Calorie Counters Dream « Lizlivingvegan's Blog Says:

    […] seen so many amazing recipes for baked apples (Check out these great ones from  Angela, & Holly!!)  I was so inspired, that I had to try my own… but I was feeling a little lazy, so here […]

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