The Hunger Games

Hi Friends!

I’m still working on my March goals, I should have them all ready by tomorrow morning. I thought about switching to weekly goals instead, but monthly ones have worked well for me so far, so why fix what isn’t broken?

Thanks for being patient with the blog changes – I feel like I should have kept my mouth shut in the first place but I was too excited to make the changes. I know your lives don’t revolve around my blog, but I wanted to let you know what was going on in any case.

I believe it was Cathy who suggested to me to read The Hunger Games – on Friday night I decided to download it onto my Nook and give it a go. I had already read my 2 books (plus 1 more) for February, so I was in no rush to get through another book.

February books:

Love and Respect

In Defense of Food

The Great Fitness Experiment

Little did I know that The Hunger Games would hook me in right away!!! I read almost half of the book on Friday and I stayed up late on Saturday night (2am!) finishing it up. I was thisclose to downloading the second book in the series Catching Fire but I restrained myself.

That is what I love about my Nook though – no waiting until a store opens, no waiting for a UPS package, no driving to the library, etc. And the books are cheap, so why not?

So about the book – here is a quick summary (but with NO SPOILERS, so don’t worry). The book takes place in the future – North America is divided into districts and the Capitol. Every year, the Hunger Games takes place – one boy and one girl (between the ages of 12-18) are chosen to represent their district in a televised survival-of-the-fittest contest. The children fight to the death and the last one standing is named the victor.

To be honest, when I read the summary I thought it would be a pretty lame book but I was so wrong. I love the characters and the entire book is fast paced.

As I write this post, I am halfway through the second book. The last time I read books this quickly was when I read the Twilight series. No I’m not kidding!

In between chapters of Catching Fire, I made the same Vegan Alfredo I made two weeks ago. I mixed in some cooked broccoli for some added nutrients. It was delicious!

Enjoy your Tuesday!


34 Responses to “The Hunger Games”

  1. Kate Says:

    my friend kelly was just talking about that book. she loved it! it sounds super interesting so please let us know what you think!

  2. Hollie @ Lolzthatswim(andRun) Says:

    Yes, I agree with Kate. i have heard that books is extremely interesting and my friend couldn’t put it down. Please let us know!

    your vegan Alfredo also looks amazing! YUMMY!

    • Holly Says:

      The first one (Hunger Games) was amazing and I’m almost done with the second one (Catching Fire). Honestly if I didn’t have to work I’d be home finishing up the series. I think you’d really enjoy them!

  3. Lisa @ I'm an Okie Says:

    I just picked up Hunger Games! Can’t wait to dive into it.

  4. 1970kikiproject Says:

    haven’t heard of that book, so appreciate your comments!
    blog changes are very exciting! i hope it all comes together for you soon! (my wordpress issues yesterday miraculously sorted themselves out by late aft – whew!)
    happy march!

    • Holly Says:

      I thought for sure it was you who had suggested them in the first place! Oh well, I think you’d really like them. Well I think anyone would like them. It has been too long since I read a book (or books) that were really exciting to read.

      I’m glad your wordpress issues sorted themselves out – what a pain!

  5. Matt @ The Athlete's Plate Says:

    I am going to pick up that book!

  6. JewishGirl Says:

    I totally adored this book and also blew through it. It’s definitely the best book in the series, IMO, but the other two are also enjoyable and well worth the read!

  7. Katie Says:

    I’ve read the whole series and actually posted reviews on my blog!
    I’d love to hear your thoughts on my review. They are the best books I’ve read in a LONG time!

  8. mostlyfitmom Says:

    So glad you had a chance to read it! The first book was my favourite, and while I enjoyed the other two, I didn’t think they were quite as good. I have to say that I really like Katniss. She’s strong, smart, and capable, and she’s the reason I basically read all 3 books in one sitting. 🙂

    • Holly Says:

      Yes I loved Katniss and I could really identify with her protective feelings for her sister.

      Have you read the Underland series by the same author? I was wondering if they are just as good.

  9. leashieloo Says:

    Yes! The Hunger Games are the BEST, I can’t wait for the film!

  10. Jess Says:

    Really want to read it!! It’s on my list:)

  11. Beth Says:

    Ohh that book sounds SO interesting. I had no idea thats what it was about!

  12. Sharon Says:

    Wow, I love books that hook you! I’ll have to check this series out.

    How did that alfredo turn out this time around? I remember last time you said it was too lemony.

  13. Chloe @ 321delish Says:

    Did you know they were coming out with a Hunger Games Movie!

  14. Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) Says:

    Sorry about the blog problems! Hopefully you get it all fixed soon. I am currently listening to In Defense Of Food and am loving it. I need to make some alfredo…it looks so good!

  15. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) Says:

    Blog changes SUCK. And yes, you want to tell everyone what’s going on b/c 1. you are excited and 2. you are spending every min of your life living and breathing this (hellish) experience and want to share that good things are just around the corner. Don’t i know. I kept my mouth shut for like 6 weeks of the hairiest times…i wanted to scream some days, i know girl 🙂

  16. Parita @ myinnershakti Says:

    Thanks for the review, Holly! Hunger Games is on my reading list now!

  17. J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) Says:

    Haha, I read The Twilight Saga pretty quickly, too!!

    Are you reading Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human? If so, I read it, GREAT book!

  18. bakebooks Says:

    Heard so much about that book! Always thought it was about food 🙂

    I agree with monthly goals – unless your just thinking of way smaller things like surviving the work week and not threatening to quit every hour of the day and end up living on the streets…

    y’know little things


    DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR THE BLOG frustrations! It’ll happen and we’ll still be here! 🙂

  19. bakebooks Says:

    p.s – are the books cheap??

  20. Christin@purplebirdblog Says:

    That book sounds extremely intriguing to me! I’m still so torn on the whole e-reader thing, but you make it sound very enticing. 🙂

  21. muddy Says:

    i check nearly every day for the new blog — i’ll be the biggest fan EVER when it’s finally ready 🙂 love you, holly!

  22. Jess Says:

    I’ve heard of those books–some of my friends love them!!

  23. glutenfreemuse Says:

    You should try the Stieg Larsson series 🙂 Not sure if I spelled his name right, but if you can get past the first 100 pages, you will be glued! I finished it in a week, with about 1 hr of reading a night 🙂

  24. Angela (the diet book junkie) Says:

    oh man, sorry to hear about your computer troubles. i know how frusterating it is. i’ve been *this close* to throwing the darn thing out the window on MANY occassions. good luck with that! i’m crossing my fingers over here. 🙂

  25. charlotte Says:

    Ohmygoodness I LOVE the Hunger Games! At first I totally refused to read the series because, honestly, the concept is gross. But then my sister gave me the whole set to borrow and… read all 3 in one weekend. Could not put them down! I’m interested to hear what you think once you’ve finished the series!! Yay for books!!!

    • Holly Says:

      I totally agree — I thought the books sounded awful (and really dumb to be honest!) but they are amazing! I started the 3rd one last night and if I didn’t have to work today I’d be at home reading it!

  26. Reunited with the Gym « The Couch Potato Athlete Says:

    […] took the night off of reading since I’ve been reading the Hunger Games series nonstop for the past week – plus Top Chef was […]

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